
“As an auctioneer and an entertainer you exhibited a dignified, commanding presence that captured your audience’s attention, put them at ease, gave them a laugh or two, and got them excited about giving away their money. Many guests later told me that they had actually had fun and that ours was the best auction they had ever attended.”

Bunny Fisher
Chair, Special Events Committee
Lubeznik Center for the Arts

At Auction Results®, LLC we will use our 30+ years of charity auctioneer knowledge to connect with your audience and create an engaging, moving experience to raise more money for your non-profit. Charity Auctioneer David Goodman and Auction Results®, LLC would welcome the opportunity to learn about your charity organizations unique fundraising needs and discuss how our proven techniques can be implemented to achieve your fundraising goals by “Raising Funds by Raising Hands”™ at your next charity fundraising auction. 

Please fill out the contact form below and we will look forward to speaking with you soon!